
Daily Gratitude


When I quit drinking a few years ago, someone asked me to do a daily gratitude text exchange with her, naming three things I’m grateful for every day. As you’d probably imagine, as you come to the decision to stop drinking, once and for all, you’re not at your best place in life and gratitude is not high on the list. My life was pretty much crap and I was wallowing in self pity. Why me? How come I couldn’t be normal? Was I about to lose everything?

As humans, we are a resilient species and so I pulled myself together (somewhat) and started texting my three daily gratitudes. Clean socks. Books (even if I didn’t have the focus to be able to read them). My toothbrush. And as time went on, the list grew and settled on more heartfelt ideas. Second chances. A hug. Hope. I’d like to say it became an ingrained habit after several days of this but I wasn’t a natural at turning to gratitude and the lady I was texting stopped showing up and so the habit died.

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Writing Routine



Creativity is not something I associate with the word routine although I do love a good routine. Each morning I wake, say the rosary, meditate, write affirmations and then sit down to write. But first coffee. I don’t have a particular routine around my writing, though, but I’m starting to build one. First, the morning pages. I was writing them by hand for a long time, filling up notebook upon notebook but a couple of things happen when writing at length with a pen. I grip it hard and the nail of my ring finger digs into the palm of my hand leaving a throbbing indent. Also my hand goes a bit numb after a while. And then I discovered and I moved my morning pages online, which is cheating, I know, but better than nothing. It also makes my writing searchable which is great.

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Slow and unsteady


When the word slow rolls off my tongue, I can’t help but feel it is a very weird word. Some words are like that for me. It makes me think of a sloth, slow and sleepy, dangling from a branch high above the Costa Rican rain forest. I was disappointed not to see one up close when we were there a couple years ago but apparently they don’t do much more than hang from the upper branches of very tall trees.  And surprisingly they are very good swimmers (though with how long it must take them to get to a body of water it would be a wonder they swim at all).

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The Memory of a Scent


As I push in the side door of the tall, white church, I inhale a familiar scent that tells me a hundred things. It’s been four and a half years, give or take a month since I’ve come to know this distinct odor and I can’t say it’s a hundred percent pleasing but I’m unable to discern the notes that make this fragrance unique to this time and place. Maybe it’s an intermingling of a thousand people, the coffee, the incense, the monthly chicken barbeques of which I have yet to partake. But when I enter and the smell hits me all at once, I know I am home and that peace and hope will be mine for the next hour.

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Writing is hard


When WordPress did away with their daily writing prompts in May of 2018, I was very sad as were many of my fellow bloggers. I started writing in 2016 as a way to process my days of early recovery from alcoholism and without it, I might still be drinking today. Pouring out my experience here, helped get me through a very hard time. But after a few months when I was starting to feel better and wanted to write about other things, the daily prompt was great inspiration. It helped me think about things I hadn’t thought of in years whether it was happy, sad, weird or just a string of a memory. It enabled me to discover other writers too, as the the post for the prompt catalogued all those who participated.

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The Memories of Last April


Curious what I was thinking about a year ago, compared to now, I took a trip to my blog history only to find it bare. I didn’t publish a single blog post last April. But what about unpublished posts? Nothing there either. I guess I could go digging through notebooks to see if I was even writing last year but I am not that organized. Without moving an inch, I remember a reliable way to capture what was going on this time a year ago: the ever reliable photo roll.

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