
Snakes and bugs, oh my

Snakes scare the crap out of me. They always have. Apparently they thrive in Florida because not a trip goes by without me seeing one. This time, a small red and black creature was waiting at the back door to greet me and my scream was probably exaggerated compared to the size of this little guy. I immediately slammed and locked the back door hoping it would be gone the next morning. A favorite aspect of our home in Florida is the covered patio at the back of the house so I didn’t want this standing between us.

My scream didn’t scare this little guy away – he was waiting in the same spot today – and when I opened the door he somehow managed to slither into the lanai. Oof! I ran for the broom and hastily pushed him back outside and swpt him onto a patio block in the grass. He stayed nearby as I was putting the patio furniture out but by the time I went to grab my phone for a picture, he had disappeared. I think not knowing where he went makes me a bit uncomfortable.

I’ve overcome a lot of fears in my life but bugs and snakes are something I can’t seem to get past. It took a while but I think I’ve come to accept the geckos which are the chipmunks of the south. Somehow they get inside the house and die and shrivel up between our visits here and I find their husks in the corners of the lanai.

Honestly, I could really do without seeing all these creatures even if we somehow have to coexist in the world together. I know we each have our purpose. Do you have any phobias you wish you could overcome?